Thyroid World Day

Thyroid issues are very common worldwide and can affect people of all ages. Because of that, World Thyroid Day takes place on 25th May each year. The event aims at increasing public awareness of thyroid diseases, namely the importance of their timely diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

The most common thyroid disorders include hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid activity), hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid activity), thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland), and thyroid cancer. These disorders have a large range of symptoms, which is why it’s important to get tested for thyroid problems.

If you’re experiencing any unusual changes in your body – such as weight gain or difficulty sleeping through the night, look for an early diagnosis. Diagnosed early, treated effectively, and prevented from recurring, thyroid disorders can be controlled.

Nevertheless, the main cause of thyroid problems is iodine dysregulation, and in most cases, adequate medication will solve the issue. RC REDOL has an algae supplement in its portfolio that has helped countless people suffering from thyroid disorders around the world. If you are looking for a long-term solution, ask your physician if it is right for your case.

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