Obesity is a serious health condition, a common problem in the developed world, so RC REDOL spoke to nutritionist Bárbara Oliveira, who spoke to us on how to fight it but, mostly, on how to prevent it.

This pathology is measured by the body mass index and, with a weight just above the recommended, besides starting a diet, you should think about prevention. The reason for this is that, although it is possible to rapidly lose weight, this weight can be regained again, due to emotional and psychological factors. Thus, the best path is that of nourishment re-education. “Changing the person’s environment, and of the whole family” is essential to nourishment re-education, not just “changing the person”.

Patient types differ, so dieting and exercising is fundamental but, sometimes it is not enough, and psychological treatments are necessary. In many ways, the pandemic period we lived didn’t help in losing weight. People spent more time at home, with easy access to food, and several emotional issues arose, for example related to family. This made people who were in a “good path”, get back to unhealthy eating habits. If you have excessive weight, this is a good time to revaluate your nourishment.

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