A winter with a suppler, more toned and less damaged skin? Yes, it is possible, thanks to glycerine.
Glycerine is odourless, colourless and tasteless and is used as a raw material in the production of a number of products, in particular on the manufacture of many cosmetics. Glycerine, or glycerol, is an organic substance, of vegetable or animal origin, and is very helpful in protecting and repairing skin during winter. Its presence pulls water to the skin and hair and, therefore, is able to restore its elasticity. It is usually used in soaps, but is also an ingredient on shampoos and other beauty products.
There are multiple uses for this ingredient, namely to improve hydration and repair the skin barrier, as well as to soften the skin and increase its elasticity. It also increases he cohesion of cell lipids and regulates flaking. For all this, it is a fundamental element of modern-day cosmetics, used not only as a moisturizer but also to protect the skin of external stimuli and speed up repair processes.
Curiously, the way it moisturizes and softens the materials it comes in contact with is used in multiple industries, not only cosmetics. Several food industry products, as well as pharmaceuticals, textiles, inks or even tobacco, use it. Nevertheless, remember its use in pure state is harmful, as glycerine, if not saturated with liquids, absorbs the hydration of the materials it touches.
In its catalogue, RC REDOL has a wide range of products which use glycerine, that will help you to protect your customers skins this year. Contact-us and discover how to introduce high quality cosmetics in your product lines.
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