The documents your company produces are vital to your business and to maintaining your GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) system. Without their control, you cannot operate efficiently and your company will suffer as a result, but how to do it? On October 12, the Technical Director of RC REDOL, Eng. Ana Gonçalves, will speak at Sophidis Days on various topics of GMP and Document Management will be one of them, but you can learn a little more here.
In fact, Document Management is a fundamental system for the management of GMP`s, transversal to all the company, since it goes from the Master Files or the manual of the Quality to reports of lots, passing by the procedures or description of functions. It has some specific requirements, such as the establishment of rules for coding, tracking, approval, distribution control, updating, data integrity, archiving and destruction of all documents. It also presupposes a flow for the approval, issue and revision of documents, as well as a hierarchy among the documents.
To protect the performance and solidity of compliance with GMP standards, you need a robust Document Management, without which nothing is possible. It is, therefore, a system that must be elaborated by qualified technicians. RC REDOL can help you to guarantee a Document Management System adapted to your company and Quality Management System, so that everything runs according to the GMP standards. Contact us!
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