Do you know about Lung Cancer Day?

World Lung Cancer Day is signalled on 1 August, an event that seeks to draw attention to this disease. RC REDOL could not fail to join this initiative, so in the article below you can find a lot of relevant information on the subject and also know for which products for lung cancer and associated conditions we are intermediaries.

According to the WHO, between 30 and 50 per cent of cancers can currently be prevented by avoiding the associated risk factors and adopting healthy lifestyles. Lung cancer is one of them, a situation that is all the more significant if we take into account that the International Agency for Research on Cancer stated that in 2020 lung cancer was the second most common cancer globally, only preceded by breast cancer and, on the other hand, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the world.

In general, tobacco and alcohol consumption, an unhealthy lifestyle and air pollution are important risk factors for developing cancer and other diseases. For this reason, around one third of cancer deaths are associated with tobacco and/or alcohol consumption, high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable consumption and lack of physical activity.  Lung cancer is precisely one of the diseases where risk factors are most decisive, since smoking is so relevant that data from the American Cancer Society’s 2023 report indicate that smokers account for 80% of lung cancer cases and deaths, while people who have never smoked account for the remaining 20%.

 An important tool in reducing incidence is early detection followed by appropriate treatment. For this reason, people who are subject to risk factors, such as smokers, often benefit from lung cancer screening. However, quitting smoking is one of the most difficult behavioural changes to make, but also one that has the greatest impact on overall health status and especially on lung cancer prevention and treatment.

In such cases, it should be acknowledged that smoking cessation has a greater chance of success when the individual is accompanied by a clinical team. This team will assess motivation, possible nicotine dependence and which pharmacological measures to adopt, tools that greatly help the management of addiction abandonment.

As for products that may also be relevant to this disease, RC REDOL has in its catalogue several solutions that promote a good state of health of the respiratory system and thus minimise the likelihood of developing new and/or more serious diseases. These include an oral spray that promotes normal blood circulation and respiratory tract functions in cases of smoking, a liquid for oral intake that promotes the balance of intestinal and respiratory flora and thus strengthens the immune system and improves resistance to infections, and a nasal spray that inhibits the evolution of inflammation processes, reducing nasal congestion and possible oedema, and which is also used in the prophylaxis of nasal polyps recurring from postoperative processes.

Lung cancer is a wide-ranging disease, but one that has its main origin in risk factors that could have been controlled in some way. That is the one of the main reasons RC REDOL supports raising awareness of this problem, so this 1 August, try to improve your habits with us.

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