RC REDOL offers a wide variety of products but some present extraordinary benefits for the patient. We are speaking of detoxification products, or Detox, as they are sometimes called. These products allow for better health and faster metabolism, which are common in overweight control treatments, and are a boon for those who are looking for a slimmer figure.
These come in several forms, from tablets and oral liquids to micro enemas or suppositories, and their effects range from simple laxatives to more advanced effects. The correct use of these products can promote fat metabolism or the purifying functions of the body and liver, but they can also reduce the sense of hunger or diminish abdominal swelling.
Some are particularly effective as promoters of good health and can purify the functions of the body and liver, while others energize your body. More granular results, such as promoting the normal metabolism of macronutrients, the drainage of fluids, or a healthier body weight balance can also be achieved with some of our products, but also increasing gastrointestinal mobility and gas elimination.
At RC REDOL, we believe in providing time-tested solutions, with certified productions, so if you believe this type of product can be important for your market, make sure to contact us. And don’t forget, these products have higher demand when Spring arrives, which is why you still have plenty of time to prepare for a market introduction and grab the opportunity to sell them at the market peak.
RC REDOL, building connections!